Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Big 2010 - Houses Sold, Debts Paid

2010 has been a big year for the Kossum family, so I wanted to share with you some of the ways God has been blessing us.

First, as some of you know, Kacy, Emma, and I moved back to Houston from Florida in 2008 after living there for about 4 years. We bought a house in Orange Park, Florida in late 2005. We knew God was calling us back to Texas and put the house on the market in late 2007 - a short 2 years later. It was only a couple of months before the nation's housing market began to collapse, and Florida has been one of the hardest hit states.

So, our house has been on the market almost three years. Finally today we got word from our realtor that the mortgage company has accepted the most recent short sale offer. It's not technically official, but it looks like the house is sold, removing a HUGE burden from our shoulders.

Thank you God!

In my opinion, an even bigger one happened in July. We were discussing - with some friends and fellow members of Magnolia Creek Baptist Church - how the Bible tells us the church ought to be. That we ought to be meeting one another's needs. It's easy to point the finger at people who don't ever help anyone else, but we also made note of the fact that, in our hyper-self-sufficient suburban American culture, nobody wants to admit when they're in need.

So, inevitably, someone said, "Who has a need? Let's talk about it." I immediately thought, "Well, we've got a huge one, but nobody could help with that! And they probably shouldn't." But I couldn't shake the feeling that God was pushing me to talk about it.

So, I told our friends how, in our poor musician days in Florida, we got in over our heads financially and incurred a lot of credit card debt. Even now, it's hard to admit that, but there it is.

I told them how, when we came back to Houston and were earning enough money, we decided that God's will for our family was to pay off that debt as quickly as possible so that Kacy could leave her job and stay home with our daughter. However, it soon became apparent that we wouldn't be able pay it all off before Emma started kindergarten.

So, our friends basically said, "We've got more money than we know what to do with." In the name of Christ, they wrote us a HUGE check, and we paid off that debt. Kacy will be leaving her job at the end of October.

Praise be to God, who paid our debt and inspired us to pay the debts of others.